Wednesday, 29 August 2007

I'm thinking of closing this blog. I might post my adab notes (about the only useful purpose to the blog) on someone else's (more beneficial blog) or just keep them to myself.


Anonymous said...

will you be posting notes on last week's class by Tawfique Chowdhury? everyone keeps telling me it was very beneficial, i'm sorry i missed it.

as for blogging, you could delete it, but then when something cool happens, you won't be able to think "oh i'll blog about it!"

Caged Bird said...

Why on earth would you want to close down your blog? you could put all sorts of beneficial on it, mainly the adab notes and Al Kauthar ones, being the longest running Northern student there masha'Allah!!

Anyway lets do this the democratic way......Say YES if you want this blog to close down (the internet generation goes silent)

and NO if you want to keep it....


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

NO Way!

Anonymous said...


Caged Bird said...

oh well i count that 4 to 0......
You lose. you have to keep account.

Anonymous said...

caged bird, how do we know all these anonymous comments are not really all you?


Saabirah said...

I've had blogger's block for a long time and was thinking it's better if I just close it.

Hema I did take notes but not very good ones.