Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Perspective is everything

The difference between an atheist and an agnostic.

Atheist says "There is no god" which is half way to the kalimah, all that's missing is "worthy of worship except Allah".

Agnostic says "there may or may not be a god, Allahu 'alam." :-) (I like that joke)

Anyway which do you guys think is "better"?


hema said...

is agnosticism a valid concept in Islam? i mean if you are saying i'm not sure God exists, you really don't believe

Anonymous said...

How can it be a valid concept when there is doubt. You need firm believe in Allah in Islam.

Anonymous said...

I reckon the status of both is the same. since doubt also = disbelief

Saabirah said...

Some agnostics say it's impossible to know whether God exists or not which for me is worse than someone who just isn't convinced yet. An atheist may just need convincing whereaas the agnostic has totally closed himself off.

Caged Bird said...

Ahh they're both arrogant groups of people, who think they are self sufficient. If agnostics think there may be a God, but then not bothered to enquire further and carry on as they are, showing they have no purpose or do not owe anything to the One who created them then they are worse.
But then if athiests dont even think well who the hell created me and dont even give a second thought to there being 'something' out there and go in search of their Creator, then they're just as worse.
On the other side of the coin of what you saying saabirah is that at least agnostics have some concept of God maybe they just need convincing of His nature and power their own purpose of life. Where as an atheist needs convincing there is a God in the first place.....
I don't know. May Allah guide the intelligent and foolish amongst them. and give us the ability to worship to Him properly and be grateful unto Him. Ameen.

Hijabi Apprentice said...

Agnostic says "there may or may not be a god, Allahu 'alam." :-) (I like that joke)

I'm sorry but that was funny!!!

Saabirah said...

:-) Yasir Qadhi said it, during the AlKauthar Lord of the Worlds course.