Monday, 4 June 2007

Things that really annoy me

  1. Girly girls "lol"ling all over the place. NO-ONE WANTS TO KNOW YOU JUST "LOL"LED! Especially men.
  2. Girls knocking men just for the heck of it and men knocking girls just for the heck of it.
  3. Girls who eat like rabbits when they don't even need to diet.

*Relieved sigh*

That feels so much better.


hema said...

lol (sorry couldn't resist)
what does "knocking" mean?
i would agree with the rabbit eating though

Saabirah said...

Check out; invaluable.

Anonymous said...

the third point applies to you laaave....I've seen the way you eat rice, one piece of dry chicken and a cupful of rice, compared to umm maymoona's and my one plate of rice and lots of juicy chicken pieces!!


Saabirah said...

Umm ZN I do not eat like a rabbit!!

Umm Maymoonah said...

not a rabbit. maybe a hamster.

Umm Maymoonah said...

actually yes maybe a zarnab.

Rosashe said...

AOA sister,

I totally agree with the LOLing point (I really dont like it) and the eating like a rabbit part. Seriously, Allah (SWT) has made us all beautiful, and He has made our bodies to function in a way that needs food. Why should we suffer and make others suffer by not eating and giving out the message skinny equal beauty... I can understand if someone is obese and they need to diet for their health sake, but the already slim people following starving themselves..realy eludes me.
Great post by the way :)


Saabirah said...

Yeah my own sister is like that. Although none of my sisters are big they all eat healthily except this one - she's so skinny but she just picks at food - it's sooo annoying. Yeah so she HARDLY ever buys food or prepares food but when someone is eating or has bought food she'll pick at their food! And people like this obviously don't even enjoy food cos they're worried about putting weight on or even when they like a particular type of food they get depressed cos they "can't" eat more even though they wanna.

Umm Maymo and Umm ZN - that's so like you two to gang up on me on false things...

Saabirah said...

You're so silly!!!